Since 2018, SDSU’s Division of Research Innovation, Colleges of Sciences and Engineering and Student Affairs and Campus Diversity have proudly presented the Women In STEM event. Women in STEM brings exceptional, nationally-recognized women scientists and engineers to SDSU for two days of programming with undergraduate and graduate students and faculty. This year’s program marks our first SDSU-UCSD partnership as part of the MCTEN NSF project.
Our esteemed speaker is Dr. Lilia A. Abron, the first African-American woman in the nation to receive a doctorate in Chemical Engineering, who served as faculty at Tennessee State, Vanderbilt, and Howard University, and is on the Engineering Advisory Board for the National Science Foundation. In 1978, she became the founder and CEO of PEER Consultants, PC, an environmental consulting firm headquartered in Washington DC. Dr. Abron also uses her business acumen and engineering expertise to promote science education in primary and secondary schools.
In 1975, Dr. Abron was in the first cohort of 30 minority women in STEM fields assembled by AAAS to document their stories and experiences on the way to careers in STEM fields. The report has been updated or commented on several times over the past 45 years. Dr. Abron will discuss her personal perspectives over the past 45 years and predictions for future cohorts of women and under represented minorities in STEM careers.
This two day virtual event will include:
- A featured seminar by Dr. Abron titled “The Double Bind: Minority Women in STEM, 1970 to 2021” on Feb 15, 2021 at 3pm.
- Roundtable discussions for Faculty, Graduate and Undergraduate.
- Students lightning talks.
- A screening of Picture of Scientist with an esteemed panel of Dr. Abron, Dr. Frazier Benya from the National Academies of Sciences who led the Action Collaborative on Preventing Sexual Harassment in Higher Education and Picture a Scientist filmmakers, Ian Cheney & Sharon Shattuck.
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